
S'estan mostrant les entrades d'aquesta data: d’abril 16, 2018


Sir Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill (November 30, 1874, to January 24, 1965) was a British politician, military officer, and writer who served as the prime minister of Great Britain from 1940 to 1945 and from 1951 to 1955. In 1900, Churchill became a member of Parliament in the Conservative Party for Oldham, a town in Manchester.  Unconvinced that the Conservative Party was committed to social justice, Churchill switched to the Liberal Party in 1904 After becoming prime minister in 1940, Churchill helped lead a successful Allied strategy with the U.S. and Soviet Union during World War II to defeat the Axis powers and craft post-war peace. On January 15, 1965, Churchill suffered a severe stroke that left him gravely ill. He died at his London home nine days later, on January 24, 1965, at age 90.  


Because White British people are the largest ethnic group in the UK, other ethnicities are sometimes referred to as 'ethnic minorities'. As well as Black, Asian, Mixed/Multiple and other more specific categories of ethnicity, the ethnic minorities in the UK include members of White minorities, such as those from either an Irish or a Gypsy background. Terms such as ethnic minority, BME (Black and minority ethnic) and BAME (Black, Asian, and minority ethnic) are often used interchangeably. In line with the  ONS style guide  , we use the term ethnic minorities rather than BME or BAME.

contemporary society

Contemporary society is characterised by at least three fundamental directions: ·          increasing human interconnection  through a network of relationships that is progressively covering the whole planet; ·          the pace and depth of the evolution of human ways of life  determined by technological innovation represent an absolute novelty in human history; ·          the scale of  anthropological and ecological transformation  due to the interaction between  evolutionary factors  (social, cultural, economic, and technological) has no historical precedent. Improvement of life conditions The overall improvement in life conditions and the role of technologies now available have contributed to increase  gross domestic product  per capita by one and a half times in less than half a century (1960–2005) Life expectancy In 1960, the average  life expectancy  of the world population was 50 years.  In high-income countries life expectancy is now over 80 years


Elizabeth II.      Elizabeth II was born on April 1926, she is the eldest daughter of the Dukes of York (King Jorge VI). She became heiress of the throne when his uncle Edward VIII abdicated, and in his place, Elizabeth’s father ascended to the throne as Duke of York, who only had two daughters (Elizabeth and Margarita) with his wife Lady Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon, daughter of the Scottish Count.              In 1945, she joined the Auxiliary Territorial Service of Women as second subaltern (second lieutenant) honorary.       The celebration of her coronation was in 1953, and it was the first one to be televised.  She got married the Prince Philip of Greece and Denmark (known as Philip of Mountbatten, Duke of Edinburg) in 1947 in Westminster Abbey. They had four children: Charles (heir to the throne), Princess Anne, Prince Andrew and Prince Edward.      She is since 2007 the longest Monarch in the History of England, beating her great-grandmother, Queen Victoria. She is cur