contemporary society

Contemporary society is characterised by at least three fundamental directions:
·         increasing human interconnection through a network of relationships that is progressively covering the whole planet;
·         the pace and depth of the evolution of human ways of life determined by technological innovation represent an absolute novelty in human history;
·         the scale of anthropological and ecological transformation due to the interaction between evolutionary factors (social, cultural, economic, and technological) has no historical precedent.

Improvement of life conditions
The overall improvement in life conditions and the role of technologies now available have contributed to increase gross domestic product per capita by one and a half times in less than half a century (1960–2005)

Life expectancy

In 1960, the average life expectancy of the world population was 50 years. 

In high-income countries life expectancy is now over 80 years, extending well beyond the traditional length of working life, causing social and economic problems.

Literacy and gender equality

Of great social importance is the rapid growth of female school enrolment and the increasing presence of women in the labour market.

Spread of communication technologies

The spread of information and communication technologies (ICT) is remodelling the material fundamentals of society. The sociologist Castells believes that these technologies have started a revolution of the productive structures of society and of daily life.

Social tension and opposition to change

 As the speed of social and cultural evolution sweeps away old life habits, religious beliefs, ancestral moral convictions and radicated political opinions, the anxiety towards a future that is mutating and unknown causes a cultural opposition that is at the root of fundamentalism.

Breakdown of natural equilibria

Demographic and economic development is endangering our current forms of civilization and social co-living and our future ability to inhabit our planet. 


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